Pikuach Report

MMK is very proud of our latest Pikuach Report. The school attained the highest possible rating (1) in each of the assessed categories:

Inspectors make judgments on the following three Key Areas:
◼ The Quality of the Jewish Education
◼ Jewish Personal and Spiritual Development
◼ Leadership and Management.

The inspection was conducted over two days by two inspectors, who observed Jewish Studies (JS) lessons, Tefilla (collective worship), Bentching (Grace after meals) Years 3-5 Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) and Tefilla (prayer) assembly.

They also reviewed the Pikuach (Jewish Inspection Team) questionnaires and had detailed discussions with pupils from Years 2 and 6 and JS teachers.

Joint observations were carried out with the Headteacher, Head of Jewish Studies and Deputy Headteacher to ascertain their knowledge and expertise in the monitoring process.

Inspectors also met with the SENDCO (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities Coordinator), chair of governors, JS governor and senior leadership team (SLT).

They scrutinised relevant documentation, including policy documents, curriculum documents, pupils’ work and displays of pupils’ work, and spoke to the many parents who were keen to share their views about the school.


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